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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.

Category: Programs

JobRunner 1.6 is available

Version 1.6 of JobRunner is available. It allows an system administrator to disable individual jobs in a batch. Download installation program (Windows 10 or later): JobRunner.exe (Right click, Save link as...) Source code (C# 8, .NET Frame [...]

JobRunner 1.5

JobRunner är ett program som exekverar sekvenser av program. Det kan t.ex. användas av den som regelbundet genererar filer lokalt på datorn, som ska skickas upp till en server. I version 1.5 finns stöd i användargränssnittet för att arbeta med varia [...]

JobRunner 1.4

Version 1.4 av JobRunner finns nu att ladda hem. Programmet låter dig lista upp processer som ska utföras i turordning som kan beläggas med vissa enkla villkor. Startas programmet som administratör kan dessa steg redigeras, annars kan de bara köras. [...]

JobRunner 1.2

JobRunner är ett klientprogram för att starta, köra och övervaka andra program, typiskt kommandon för att publicera, ladda hem, rendera bilder, texter eller XML-flöden. I version 1.2 finns möjligheten att logga körningen. Programmet (och dess källkod [...]

Skapa binära filer snabbt och enkelt

Ibland behöver man skapa binära filer, t.ex. för att testa en egenutvecklad file header. För att göra detta kan man starta HxD och peta in de bytes man vill ha i filen. Men om man vill trycka in tal större än 255 eller textsträngar så är det en del [...]


JobRunner är ett program som exekverar andra processer i turordning, vilket t.ex. är användbart för den som behandlar RSS-filer eller jobbar med genererade HTML-sidor. Mer information och nedladdningslänk finns här: [...]

Mjukvaran SQLite skrivs av oresonliga idioter

SQLite är en mjukvara för datalagring, skriven i C, som fungerar på i princip vilken enhet som helst, från t.ex. Windows Phone till Linux. Mjukvaran är Public Domain, så företaget som utvecklar den försörjer sig istället på att sälja t.ex. support, t [...]

SQL Server Dependency Browser

SQL Server Dependency Browser for 2012 or later is made open source here. Installation: Sql2012DepSetup.exe

Gosbust 0.9.8

I have uploaded the latest version of Gostbust (0.8.9). The next thing to do is to build a proper tokenizer, and I thought I would publish the current version before starting that. Download it here.

EaseUS Partition Master

If a hard disk partition suddenly disappears and shows up in Disk Manager as unallocated space, the program EaseUS Partition Master solve the problem. The program can repair the partition and assign a drive letter to it, so that your files become ava [...]

SQL 2012 Dependency Browser

SQL 2012 Dependency Browser is a simple application for viewing what database objects that depends on a specific object, for example what tables that are used by a view. Setup program for version 1.0 with build date 2014-11-24 can be downloaded us [...]

Twitter for Windows 8!


Bakery (Windows game)

I have just finished my indie game Bakery. It's a simple 2D arcade game for Windows, based on Open GL. The installer does not spread out any files, and full uninstallation is supported from the Control Panel. Check it out here.

SRT Tool 1.3

SRT Tool version 1.3 (download link on the Download page) has drag and drop support, and new functions for easy left and right time shifting.

XQT 1.3

XQT, the XPath Query Tool, is updated to version 1.3. This version lets you select a node in the tree, and copy it's path. Also, some bugs are fixed and a few interface inprovements are made. Check the Programs page for download link.

SRT Tool 1.2

SRT Tool is upgraded to version 1.2. You can download it from the Programs page.

Download run.exe

It takes some clicking and fiddeling to install run.exe, the text based application starter. This post describes what you have to do and also how to use it. There are some arguments that are nice to know: run -p This displays all running proces [...]

A text based start menu

Since I have tried everything (including RocketDock), this is what it has come to. I have made a text based start menu! I have my little personal setup with a folder that is handled by Dropbox so that it is available on all my computers. It is also s [...]

Naming your images

I have been planning to do a PhotoName II for some while now, and here it is. Because of the different take on this application, I also decided to change it's name from PhotoName II to RenameImg (short for Rename Image). The main difference is that t [...]

The Wall is discontinued

Since VBScript isn't the way of the future, I've decided to discontinue the "The Wall" project. Something similar for so called intelligent homes is in planning stage. It will be based on the open source Jint project. Check this out: Dim X As Ne [...]

Drawing a HTML5 heart with Monkeybone

This demonstration shows how you can create a Monkeybone picture from scratch and to export it as a HTML5 vector image. The required software is Monkeybone Viewer version 1.5 or later. Step 1: Create the file. To do this in Windows, you must make [...]

My first look at Internet Explorer 9

The first thing is to fly off to the ACID3 test (that of course is overloaded now when the IE9 BETA is released), so I will have to get back to this. All modern browsers do 100% in the ACID3 with IE8 as the only exception. IE8 isn't close. The nex [...]

Monkeybone Viewer 1.4

The Monkeybone Viewer (1.4) has improved HTML5 export support and a new slideshow feature. The slideshow can display png, mob and jpg images in a specific folder. Download link on this page.

Export HTML5 Canvas images

The latest addition to the Monkeybone Viewer (1.3) is the ability to save images as HTML5 Canvas images. This feature is not working perfect yet - there are still features that the Monkeybone image format can render, but not export correct. This feat [...]

Monkeybone: The Spline instruction

Using notepad The Spline instruction has syntax similar to the Line instruction when named arguments are used, but each value has a magnet attached to it. The line will bend to the magnet. This will draw a red line on a black image, from the upper l [...]

Synchronizing subtitles using the SRT Tool

My aim with SRT Tool is to make synchronization easy. Imagine a scenario where you have an Xvid movie that you want to view. The source might be an imported DVD or something, the point is that you don't have the subtitles for your particular language [...]

SRT Tool preview

A preview version of my new SRT Tool is available for download from here. The SRT Tool is used for easy subtitle synchronization of MPEG/AVI films. I will post a tutorial tomorrow*. Check the SRT Tool tag for news. *) Here.

First screenshot of the SRT tool

Just felt the urge to publish this first screenshot of my new SRT tool. I aim to make this the easiest way to synchronize a subtitle file (*.srt) with a DivX movie.

User interaction: GetItemAt and GetItemsAt

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. GetItemAt The GetItemAt function returns the graphical item (text item, bar item, numeric item) that exists at a given position, in characters. If no item exists at the given position [...]

Tweaking the wall, part 3/3: Startup script

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. The basic rule is that a VBScript file called TheWall.vbs that is placed in the same folder as TheWall.exe is loaded when TheWall.exe is started. Remember that you start TheWall.exe, not [...]

Tweaking the wall, part 2/3: Using the graphics drawing interface

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. The BeforUpdate and AfterUpdate callback functions are basically used to allow custom graphics to be drawn below or above it. The graphics drawing interface is passed as an argument to t [...]

Tweaking the wall, part 1/3: Before and after update

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. The Wall has some support for free drawing. This can either be done before or after updating the screen. Any drawing that is done before updating will be displayed behind registered obje [...]

A demo is available

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. The Wall is an intelligent home component that can display and update text items, numeric values and bars. Also, The Wall can react to mouse clicks from a computer mouse or from a touch [...]

PhotoName 2.0 is progressing

Now PhotoName 2.0 is working well but it must be completed with all the features that PhotoName 1.x has and the documents has to be updated. I am really excited about getting it out for download. An early screenshot:

Photoname 2.0

I haven't done much coding the last few days. I have spent my time with my family, working with my podcast, changing employer requires some attention after office hours as well. However, I am working on a version 2.0 of Photoname. I have decided to [...]

Monkeybone: The Line instruction

There are two alternative ways to use the Line instruction in a Monkeybone image (a text file with .mob ending). You can either use named arguments or a list of coordinates. This example demonstrates both alternatives. The first V symbol is drawn usi [...]

QXT version 1.2

The possibility to save the currently loaded XML document is added. A new option is added to the Options dialog that lets users choose if XML editing i allowed in the loaded document ("Allow XML editing"). When the "Allow XML editing" option is [...]

Switch between connections in QTool

I have added a new feature to the simple portable SQL Server query tool, QTool, that I made some time ago (here). Now, you can enter several connections strings in the Connection String tab, and use a drop down list to choose what connection you want [...]

Photoname Portable, the command line arguments

These are the command line arguments that control the actions of pnp.exe, that you can send to it: -fld [folder] Renames all images in a specific folder. Specify the folder with images you want to rename, or type start to search for image [...]

Hur används den portabla versionen av Photoname?

This is basically a Swedish version of this post.

Photoname Portable

The portable version of Photoname (pnp.exe) doesn't have a GUI, but it is pretty simple to use anyway. You can either start it from the command interface and pass arguments to it to tell it what to do, or you can double click on it, and then tell it [...]

Photoname Portable soon introduced

I haven't done much coding the last few weeks. I am in the process of changing jobs, and the new podcast is of course taking much of my time. My next update however, will be about my new portable lightweight version of Photoname. The portable version [...]

Monkeybone Viewer improvements, March 2010

The Monkeybone file format is frozen and a description of the format is added to the Help menu. Direct download.

Handling user input from The Wall

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. Please read this first. This post shows how detect mouse input in The Wall. The Wall provides functionality for displaying data on a screen, an important component for anyone building [...]

Bars in The Wall

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. Please read this first. This post shows how to display bars using The Wall. Bars are created using the RegisterBarItem function. These are the arguments: Parameter 1: UpdateFrequen [...]

Numeric values in The Wall

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. Please read this first. This post shows how to display text numeric using The Wall. To register a numeric item, call the RegisterNumericItem function. It takes the same arguments as t [...]

The most basic panel for The Wall

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. Please read this first. This post shows how to display text values using The Wall. This is a very simple panel. To run it, place this code in a file called TheWall.vbs, place it next [...]

Introducing The Wall

Edit: This post concerns "The Wall", a discontinued project. The Wall is an important component for anyone who is designing or building an intelligent home. The Wall takes care of collecting and displaying data and optionally handling touch screen [...]

En kopp kaffe!

Bjud mig på en kopp kaffe (20:-) som tack för bra innehåll!

Bjud på en kopp kaffe!


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