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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.

Tag: Photoname Portable

Photoname Portable, the command line arguments

These are the command line arguments that control the actions of pnp.exe, that you can send to it: -fld [folder] Renames all images in a specific folder. Specify the folder with images you want to rename, or type start to search for image [...]

Hur används den portabla versionen av Photoname?

This is basically a Swedish version of this post.

Photoname Portable

The portable version of Photoname (pnp.exe) doesn't have a GUI, but it is pretty simple to use anyway. You can either start it from the command interface and pass arguments to it to tell it what to do, or you can double click on it, and then tell it [...]

En kopp kaffe!

Bjud mig på en kopp kaffe (20:-) som tack för bra innehåll!

Bjud på en kopp kaffe!


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