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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
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Five reasons to choose Windows before Mac


5. Design. There are a huge number of computers to choose from. The only constant is change. The few Mac machines on the market are OK, but you can find lots and lots of machines running Windows, including masterpieces Mac users only can dream of.

4. Software. The “killer software” that makes a Mac worth owning (Safari, Cubase, Photoshop, Propellerheads Reason, Firefox) is perfectly available on Windows. Also, for each Mac specific application you can find, there are at least ten Windows specific alternatives.

3. Memory cost. A larger number of vendors and in some cases larger vendors, provides customer value.

2. Ease of use. Windows is well documented, logically constructed. To install an application on Windows, you download it and confirm that you want to install it. You don’t have to know what drag and drop operations that you expect to perform, and therefore, you don’t need any experience to get by. Experience gives you advantages, but is not required.

1. Customisation and extensibility. The smallest edition of the extremely powerful code editor is free to use for any purpose, and just about any Microsoft application comes with a well documented programming interface. And if you want to start from scratch, the .NET Framework is without competition. In both cases, no matter what programming language you know.

Categories: Microsoft .NET

2 responses to “Five reasons to choose Windows before Mac”

  1. Staffan says:

    Well… I’m not a Mac fanboi but I do feel these kind of lists are moronic. Many of the points you make are very subjective and I do not agree with them. Both platforms has their pros and cons and it’s up to the user to decide what pros and cons are more valuable to him/her.
    I use Windows at home, but I do find a lot of pros using a Mac for web design and developing.

    Just to answer on your points:
    5: Very subjective, but here I do feel Mac still has the upper cut. The DELL you linked to was not a pretty machine. I would have choosed to link to Samsung 9-series that is the only PC I have seen that can compete with Mac on design:

    4: This is true, there ARE a lot more apps, but this is actually sometinhg that I think is the pro of mac. There are A LOT of crappy PC apps out there (as well as mac apps) but the Mac apps are actually pretty good. And there are a lot of well designed apps only availbele on the mac that really rocks. Sure, you could find “a similar” app on the PC, but not as well designed. A good thing is that there is a tradition of paying a small sum of money for mac apps, while PC apps should be free (I have that mind set and I think a lot of users have it since the PC world has had this tradition for a long time). So there are some exclusive apps for Mac only where the developers actually can make money on selling them.

    3: Yes, PC are generally cheaper. So it’s good Mac’s can use the same hardware (up to a point) for hard drives and such.

    2: Going thorough a 5 step guide or drag-and-drop seems equally easy to me, so… don’t see the advantage. To have two large icons with an arrow between them pointing put what to do doesn’t really seem “hard”. Then a 5 step guide seems more complex.

    1: So it you are a hard core programmer “Windows is better”. But for the rest of us, it’s not? Customization can be good, but to much is not. Another thing that’s very subjective. You can do much in Mac OS, but they have hidden some things. But that’s not a problem it you are a “hard core” programmer that can use Google 🙂
    I do learn a few new tricks every day on my mac, and why they have hidden a dew thinks I think is moronic, but on the other hand a few things are really clever and when you have learned them is really good.

  2. Staffan says:

    Oh…. just one more thing to add. Regarding point 3.

    My company only buy Apple Computers nowadays, regardless if they are going to run Windows or not. Apparently our IT department has investigated the situation and come to the conclusion that it’s cheaper in the long run, because Apple computers last longer so we don’t need to buy new computers that often, thus saving money in the long run.
    So a lot of my co-workers have Macs with Windows on them and only use Windows.
    I thought this was kind of strange myself, but apparently we save money 🙂

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