Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.
I happened to find this website with some great downloads for the Commodore 64. Some compilers and some interpretators, like Simon’s Basic. Simon’s Basic extended the extremely frugal Commodore Basic 2.0 that was built in the C64. It sort of turned the C64 into a Commodore 128 by providing new sets of instructions for sound, graphics and input. The complete manual can be downloaded as a PDF from here.
The band Barcelona named an album Simon Basic as a tribute to this programming language.
Categories: Geeky
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This month we excerpt a section on hi-res graphics from Simons Basic…You may be one of the few C-64 owners around who still hasnt gotten a hold of Simons Basic. Hi-Res Graphics..Simons Basic puts the powers of high-resolution graphics at the fingertips of the beginning programmer.