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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.

Web 2.0 at its best


Jeana Lee Tahnk is using a beautiful addon by Meebo on her WordPress blog (and yes, it does work with Internet Explorer 8). Take a look at this post about free iPhone applications. Let’s say that I want to share this content with my friends.

Place your mouse over it, to get the direct responce that this can be shared.

Just start dragging, to get the available drop targets nicely presented to you.

And just by dropping it, you have shared the content that you were dragging. As a user, I have not much to complain about! I consider this a nice hint of what the future of HTML and the World Wide Web might look like.

Categories: General

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