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Anders Hesselbom

Programmerare, skeptiker, sekulärhumanist, antirasist.
Författare till bok om C64 och senbliven lantis.
Röstar pirat.

Market it as more primitive than it really is?


The Sweex digital photo frame MM008 v2 is a great little product, but one thing puzzles me. All the specifications and documentations that I have found on it, states that the display is 480×234 pixels. Anyone who has viewed a 480×234 picture can see that this is not the case. It took me a while to count the pixels on the display, but now I am under the impression that it actually has 480×270 pixels. That is 17.280 pixels more! Why would you ever want your potential customer to think that the product has less capacity than it actually has? And don’t get me started on the time I spent on counting pixels by producing strange pictures in different sizes with special patterns to detect if and how the photo frame interpolated the picture. Phew.

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